Friday, 8 March 2013

Mad max trilogy

3 films enter 1 film leaves.

So I thought as a film enthusiast I should watch the mad max trilogy I did and it left a bad taste in my mouth.

Mad Max

The original film was rather slow to get into I found and when it did pick up pace I was bored and when it reached the finale it just ended.In this current day of films this film would not get a sequel there is not enough character development or speech to connect with the guy just his wife's death.  I found I would have liked to have known more about why it was a post apocalyptic era, the clothes in the film was about the only thing I liked.

I would highly recommend you skip this film and go straight into number 2.

Mad Max 2

I watched this film first believe it or not and found it to be the best out of the three. With a decent generic story line of wanderer stumbles onto a band of people to whom he must protect from a group of thugs for fuel. Its a case in the future trade off's you would expect to stay alive. This film has more action the the 1st which is probably why its a better film. The art style continues in this film from the original which I do like. I feel there is more character development too.
Overall I would recommend this film to watch just remember its old and a little slow in places.

Mad Max 3: Thunderdome

This film brings us back to mad max who in the first five minutes gets robbed. Clearly he is losing his touch. He then stumbles upon a settlement and gives up his skills in killing to retrieve his possessions. He is tricked into thinking he was killing a slave driving mad man (master blaster) by a power hungry woman played by Tina Turner. Max challenges master blaster into Thunderdome where 2 men enter and one leaves. Its not a brutal fight but enough to wet the taste buds.  Max cant kill him because he minds out its an adult with the mind of a child and u find out the man behind blaster master is really a nice man who ia helping rhe settlement by supplying it power. So Tina exiles him into the dessert to die of dehydration.  This is where the film turns to me . He is rescued by children who think he is basically the messiah who will lead them back to civilisation.  To round up a long winded story its children vs adults in a clash to have the brains behind blaster master.  The children escape with him and make it to the big city where the is nothing and Tina leaves Max to die in the dessert again.
This film is better then the first but still not great it went downhill from when the kids got involved how they survived I have no idea but took me out of the film.

At least I now know what Thunderdome is and that concept along was brilliant.  Over all the trilogy is below average but number 2 can work as a standalone.  However for a better post apocalyptic film just watch Waterworld.

Thanks for taking your time to read this and please leaves comments in box below.

Article by David Green

Time Bandits

Bored Out Of Time

This is gonna be a very short review about Time bandits

So its a classic Terry Gilliam film with wacky things going on in live action and clay modelling I guess. It a random film which tries to string everything alone with time travel. Its starts with a boy named Kevin who has a vivid imagination and meets 6 dwarfs who escape from his wardrobe. Wait that sounds like Narnia. From there he meets the likes of Napoleon, Robin Hood and some others. The dwarfs want to be thieves by stealing stuff from each era whilst on the run from god to whom they stole a map from with time holes in. God decided to create a man called evil to see how he would turn out and he wanted the map to take over the world. He lures the dwarfs to him and tries to kill, however god kills him and says he knew what was going on and was a test for evil which he didn't like. God takes them all back and kevin wakes up thinking its a dream.

I didn't like the movie and found it rather dull and boring lacking the usual humour I would be expecting from some of the cast members of Monty Python.  Its a must see for a fan of Terry Gilliam but I would not personally recommend it.

Thanks for taking your time to read this and please leave comments below.

This article was written by David Green.